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Tawang railway station


Tawang Station is the station's first surrogate-Indische Spoorweg Nederlandsche Maatschappij (NIS), Pond Sari. Construction of Embankment station Sari marked by groundbreaking ceremony by the Governor-General Mr. Sloet Baron van de Beele, along with the formation of perangkutan rail system on June 16, 1864. N.I.S serve pathway Semarang - Yogya - Solo.
After experiencing the process of development that eventually halting train service line is completed on 10 February 1870. The expansion of trading activities led to Embankment station Sari does not qualify anymore. Then the new station is planned by the architect JP de Bordes a later date is more known by the name Tawang Station. Tawang station was built in May 1914.

Since it was first built, there are many changes happening in Satsiun Tawang. Almost all parts of the station remains the same. Field in front of Tawang Station (now a folder) also has a high historical value that is as open space in the old city area which functioned as a place of ceremony, sports, games and sebaginya.
Tawang station has an important meaning for the Old City. In the past there is a visual axis that connects the station with the Protestant Church (Blenduk). So the role of this station in the image formation area is very important and can add value to the region. Integrity Indies architectural style is very strong and influenced many local elements. Integrity kekriyaan shown in detail patterned and colored.
Integrity settings remain as before. While the integrity of the type of building is office space. Sesinambungan integrity as a function of transporting the building is still well preserved. Linkages with the history of the construction of buildings intended to replace the station at Pengapon Sari Pond, with the designer is JP Bordes.
In addition to the history of the building association perangkutan NIS is not small. Its architecture is unique, with the characteristics of Indische architecture that material for wall elements are patterned and colored to make it very aesthetically pleasing building. In terms of urban landscape, Station Tawang add quality and potential of open space in the region.

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